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Die sozialen Netzwerke sind neben der Website und dem Newsletter die wichtigsten Informationsplattformen des Verlags, und umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass sie so lebhaft angenommen werden. Da wir vor ein paar Tagen den tausendsten Fan auf unserer Facebook-Seite begrüßen durften, wollen wir uns nun mit einem kleinen Geschenk bedanken, ausnahmsweise und passend zur Gelegenheit exklusiv auf Facebook.

Unter allen, die den Facebook-Jubiläums-Post kommentieren, verschenken wir zwei limitierte Bücher: 1x die Savage Worlds Gentleman’s Edition in der edlen Kunstlederausgabe, und 1x die erweiterte Deluxe-Edition von Ratten! im Hardcover. Sagt uns in eurer Antwort auf Facebook einfach, welches der beiden Bücher ihr am liebsten hättet, und warum. Wir melden uns Ende nächster Woche bei den Beschenkten. Uns bleibt also nur noch zu sagen: Viel Glück und vor allem vielen Dank!

Einige unserer Spiele haben übrigens auch ihre eigenen Facebook-Seiten mit Insider-Infos, interessanten Links und speziellen Aktionen. Schaut ruhig mal vorbei.

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BrigadeCon Interview: Paul ‘Wiggy’ Wade-Williams

Casting Shadows is very proud to present an interview with Paul ‘Wiggy’ Wade-Williams, one of the most prolific and creative RPG writers of our time. With questions ranging from the creative process and collaboration through a quasi-hypothetical Lego apocalypse, Wiggy will let readers into his mind for a tour.

[Fainting Goat Games] Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs
Walt Robbilard, Mike Lafferty, Adrian Smith, Sean Nokes
Artists: Dan Houser, Storn Cook, Adam Dickstein, Jacob Blackmon
Pages: 28
Price: €6,00 €3,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

With the release of Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed), Savage Worlds is ready for fast, furious and fun superhero action

All you need now are spandex tights and bad guys - and Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs is here to give you some supervillains to smash, outwit and overcome.

MM&M contains 12 supervillains ready to menace your next Savage Worlds session.

Villains such as:
Psi-Wasp - Size-changing supervillain Robin Hood!
Holo-Master - Elusive, mercenary master of hard light illusions!
Blue Shift - Formerly a teleporting secret agent, Blue Shift was betrayed by the government she served. Now she's gone rogue and is out for vengeance!
Tariq - An evil fire djinn summoned by unwary mystics, Tariq seeks to bring the world to its knees!

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)

[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth: Ludington
Author: Jason Owen Black
Artist: Joyce Maureira
Pages: 8
Price: €1,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

After the apocalypse, a cult called the Northern Light made it their holy mission to keep the lighthouse in Ludington running. A village of survivors settled in the shadow of the lighthouse. Ludington offers a safe port from the storm, but danger encroaches the town from every side. Mutant animals and carnivorous plants lurk in woods, bandits have taken the only road out of town, and fish people lurk off shore.

Ludington is set in the Broken Earth setting, but with a little work can be used with any post-apocalyptic campaign.

Hellfrost Atlas – Designer Diary 1

I’ve decided to write a bit of a diary of my cartographic progress on the atlas!

For the techies out there I am using photoshop and a graphics tablet to draw the map by hand – no cheats here!

First off it is a big project, in fact huge to tackle and after many tests and much planning I’ve decided to split the world into several regions. The main reason for this is due to the scale we are using and the details going into the maps, working on the whole world as a single file would certainly crash photoshop if not my humble pc!

After the map tests I have done I’ve found that separating different landscape features into types helps to progress a map. Its a daunting proposition when you sit down to a blank document and have to begin filling in the detail! Especially with a world as detailed as rassilon. So I begin with the coastline and I am using the original rassilon map as drawn by Justin Russell as a guide but adding so much more detail. So with the coastline I add plenty of Islands, estuaries and rivers. Once this is done I then turn my attention to mountains and hills. Other features such as marshlands and grasslands follow. I gradually build up the map in layers adding colour and detail. The final step will be to add the names.

Part of my plan is not only to include all the features from the original gazetteer but also details as described from the region guides – plus some of my own inventions with minor rivers, lakes, woods and hills being added. These won’t be mentioned in the text because only the really important information can be imparted in the text due to the limits in space. However as players traverse the landscape of rassilon they’ll be able to identify features from these new maps that have never been described before!

Here is a snapshot and a small part of the first section drawn from my studio:


I’m not going to let you know what region this is though – feel free to guess!

I’ll be bringing more designer diary updates as I work on this on the run up to Christmas!

Robin Elliott
Triple Ace Games

[DramaScape] Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 6: Medieval Merchants House
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 27
Price: €3,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This product is a full-color, 8 inch by 20 inch, 3 level, floor plan of a Medieval Merchants House, with Hex, Square and No overlay.

The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play), and 5, 360 degree views of some of the rooms.

“Set me free and help me slay the man who took everything away from me!”

Medieval Merchant’s House is an interior map of a small mansion with a basement, ground floor, and second floor.

This product includes five 360-degree panoramic views of the kitchen/alchemy room, dining room, master bedroom, guest bedroom, and wine cellar/storage room.

Medieval Merchant’s House is intended for use in fantasy games. It could be useful in historical games or as a restored museum house in a modern game. A Man of Money is an adventure for Savage Worlds continued from the adventure hook first presented in our free Vine Maze map. Even if not using the Savage Worlds setting, the map and panoramic views are system agnostic. You can also use the NPC descriptions and adventure herein in another fantasy game, just ignore or repurpose the Savage World statblocks.

A Man of Money Part Two: The group lost their burglar guide to the blood sucking vines of the Vine Maze but decided to press on towards the merchant’s mansion anyway. They approach the mansion and note that it has a backdoor and a stairway leading to a second backdoor in the back and a door to the ground floor and stairs leading to a cellar below in the front. Which path do they choose?

[Fabled Environments] Fearsome Critters: Cake Walk
Author: John Beattie
Artist: T. Jordan Peacock
Pages: 37
Price: €6,00 €4,00 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to North Sandalwood. We hope that you enjoy your time working for the town as a member of the Special Animal Control Unit. Your job is to deal with various animals such as dogs, cats, raccoons and the occasional exotic pet that get loose. You offer a vital service to the members of this town and we are grateful that you have decided to join the team!

Your latest assignment is to check out the Golden Creme Delights factory. There have been reports of critters that have been skittering around the factory at night. These creatures are responsible for damage in the factory and they must be captured before the current owners can sell the building.

About the Module

Cake Walk is the ironic name of a new adventure for Savage Worlds written by John Beattie (Weird Wars Rome: Wellspring) and artwork by Jordan Peacock (Wonderland No More, Savage Worlds: Deluxe, Interface Zero and artwork for many other projects).

In this adventure, PCs take on the seemingly mundane role of animal control officers, but when they respond to a complaint of an animal infestation at a local sweet goods factory they end up facing something that is neither mundane nor an animal.

Apart from the Savage Worlds ruleset, dice and a pencil, everything you would need to play this adventure is included such as pregens, figure flats, a map of the facility and even adventure seeds to take this from a one-shot adventure to a campaign.

Grab a copy today and have a blast!
Wie jeden dritten Freitag im Monat wollen wir euch auch heute auf dem Laufenden halten, was kommende Produkte, aktuelle Spiellinien und ganz neue Projekte angeht; Erscheinungstermine allerdings werdet ihr in Zukunft nur noch in unseren Updates finden, wenn sie wirklich handfest sind. Den aktuellen Stand gibt es immer auch auf der Webseite unter Kommende Produkte, mehr zu unseren Fanfinanzierungen ebenda.


Der aktuelle Stand unserer Spiele

  • Die Spielkinder Initiative: Wird gerade bebildert. Ein besonderes Dankeschön geht außerdem an Oliver Loh, der seinen Beitrag mit umfangreichem Zusatzmaterial angereichert hat. Vielen Dank, natürlich auch an alle anderen Beteiligten!
  • Savage Worlds: Die Neuauflage der Gentleman’s Edition Revised wurde inzwischen an alle Fanfinanzierer verschickt und befindet sich außerdem im Handel. Dies gilt auch für die Limited Edition; wir warten nur noch auf die Echtleder-Edition und die Gimmicks. Die PDF steht online, durch TeichDragons Einsatz auch direkt mit Lesezeichen. Die SW Kartendecks sind in Arbeit.
  • [SW] Elyrion: Die Fanfinanziererpakete wurden verschickt. Wir arbeiten unterdessen fleißig am Buch, und auch am nächsten Gimmick für die Fanfinanzierer. Mehr zu Elyrion findet ihr hier.
  • [SW] Hellfrost: Der Kreaturenband und die Piraten des Kristallstroms sind verschickt. Wir atmen einmal tief durch, warten auf die Fanfinanzierer-Gimmicks und arbeiten unterdessen weiter an den nächsten Abenteuern, die gerade gesetzt werden. Die Bennies sind in der Produktion, das Deck ist in Arbeit.
  • [SW] Nebula Arcana: Das Projekt wird gerade kräftig erweitert. Mehr dazu erfahrt ihr demnächst, unter anderem auf der Website.
  • [SW] Necropolis: Die Vorarbeiten für die Übersetzung des Timeline Updates 2351-55 laufen.
  • [SW] Rippers: Die Abenteuer-Anthologie ist lektoriert und geht nun ins Layout. Die Vorbesprechungen für das erste deutsche Abenteuer laufen.
  • [SW] Runepunk: Befindet sich in der Übersetzung.
  • [SW] Sundered Skies: Die Abenteuer-Anthologie ist im Layout.
  • Seelenfänger: Alle Infos zu unserer Neuankündigung erhaltet ihr hier. An der ersten Veröffentlichung Täuscherland wird noch geschrieben, ebenso wie an den Regeln.
  • Nova: Das Quellenbuch Terra Superior ist erschienen und befindet sich in der Auslieferung. Das nächste Abenteuerbooklet soll im Dezember erscheinen.
  • Los Muertos: Das Buch ist ab dem 28.11. im zweiten Nachdruck wieder verfügbar. Die Pokerkarten gehen demnächst in den Druck. Neues aus Mictlan #1, das erste PDF mit kostenlosem Zusatzmaterial, optionalen Regeln und einigen Fan Works, steht jetzt online.
  • Ratten! Die Neuauflage des Grundregelwerks ist in beiden Varianten erschienen (Softcover und limitiertes Hardcover). Neben einem zusätzlichen Korrektorat enthält der Reprint auch eine Menge an neuem und unveröffentlichten Material sowie ein paar zusätzliche Illustrationen.
  • Wolsung: Das Buch soll nächste Woche in den Druck gehen. Wer sich informieren will, kann unserer neuen Seite einen Besuch abstatten.

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[Pinnacle] ETU: Heroes of ETU Figure Flats
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Cheyenne Wright, Bryan Syme
Pages: 16
Price: €5,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This set of full-color, 28mm scale Figure Flats contains dozens of characters for East Texas University.

[Pinnacle] ETU: Horrors of ETU Figure Flats
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Cheyenne Wright, Bryan Syme
Pages: 16
Price: €5,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Horrors of East Texas University Figure Flats collection brings a set of 50 monsters, felons, miscreants, and demons to your happy little corner of the ETU campus! The characters in your ETU games have been lonely long enough—it’s time you introduced someone to play with them…

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Archetypes
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Malldore, Bryan Syme, MK Ultra
Pages: 17
Price: €2,39 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Bring the Known Races to your table!

The Last Parsec Archetypes brings a baker’s dozen of full-color, ready-to-play archetypes representing iconic JumpCorp crew members from all the core races of the Known Worlds. These may be used with The Last Parsec miniatures (coming soon) or with the enclosed Figure Flats!
Included are: Human Team Leader, Rakashan Team Leader, Kalian Pilot, Deader Science Officer, Floran Science Officer, Artificial Being (Construct), Human Scout, Insectoid Scout, Serran Psychic, Insectoid Psychic, Aurax Security, Yeti Security, and Saurian Security.

[TAG] Hellfrost Action Deck

Author: Robin Elliot
Artists: Chris Kuhlmann
Cards: 55 in deckbox
Prices: €11,83 plus €6,00 postage (TAG Store); €12,80 plus €11,01 postage (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Add a whole new dimension to your Hellfrost games!

The hellfrost Action Deck has been designed with all new artwork and includes rune effects which will enhance your Savage Worlds driven Hellfrost games!

The Hellfrost Action Deck includes 54 cards with all new artwork designed by Chris Kuhlman.

Grab your deck today and start your adventure in the frozen lands of Hellfrost!

*This is a Print-on-Demand product – please allow at least 7-14 days for delivery.


Kickstarter Note: The Action Decks have shipped yesterrday! How long your deck/s will take to arrive depends on where you are in the world and the effectiveness of your postal service. Based on what we’ve been told, rough estimates are as follows…

UK 3 -5 working days
Europe 5 – 7 working days
USA 2 – 3 weeks (via USPS)
Canada 4 – 6 weeks (via USPS)
Rest of the World 2 – 3 weeks

Thanks for supporting this Kickstarter. We know the cards have taken longer than expected, but we’re sure you’ll be very happy with the result.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das im November bereits als Buch erschienene Hellfrost-Abenteuer Piraten des Kristallstroms findet ihr nun auch als günstiges PDF für 4,95 Euro in unserem Onlineshop.

Der Klappentext:

Piraten, Plünderungen und Abenteuer in den eisigen Fluten des Kristallstroms!

Der Kristallstrom ist die Lebensader des Kristallstrombündnisses. Jeden Tag segeln hunderte von Schiffen und Kähnen durch die turbulenten Gewässer, um an seinem Lauf Waren zu kaufen und zu verkaufen. Aber der Handel ebbt ab und die Flussschiffer sind verängstigt.

Mehrere Schiffe wurden ohne Besatzung und Fracht gefunden. Es kursieren Gerüchte, aber fast jeder vermutet hinter den Problemen Piraten.

Die Helden werden von einem ortsansässigen Händler angeheuert, der Sache nachzugehen. Sie müssen nach Brückwasser, einer belebten Handelsstadt am nördlichen Ende der Handelsroute. Nur ihre vorsichtigen Ermittlungen und kräftige Waffenarme können den Piraten des Kristallstroms ein Ende bereiten!

Piraten des Kristallstroms ist das dritte Abenteuer für das epische Fantasysetting Hellfrost, einer Erweiterung für das preisgekrönte Rollenspiel Savage Worlds. In Ergänzung des englischen Originals wurde der Band um das exklusive Kurzabenteuer Phantom der Sümpfe von Moritz Mehlem erweitert.

Wer Fantasyrollenspiele mag aber Hellfrost noch nicht kennt, findet hier eine kleine Einführung dazu.

Erste Schritte mit Savage Worlds, kann man übrigens mit der kostenlosen Probefahrt machen. Die findet ihr in unserem kostenlosen Downloadbereich oder direkt hier.

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[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Eris Beta-V
Author: Matthew Cutter
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: €8,09 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), Preorders at Pinnacle

When Eris Beta-V’s valuable commerce is threatened by unscrupulous agencies, a JumpCorp-employed team must root them out.

As they do, they’ll explore a magnificent ringed gas giant and its moons on the icy fringes of interstellar space, discover ancient artifacts of enormous power among Eris’ rings, moons, and asteroids, and solve the oldest mystery of Eris Beta-V...before time runs out.

Eris Beta-V is a setting book for The Last Parsec. It contains new locations and characters for the planetary system, new starships and Setting Rules for asteroid mining and ringstorms, a Plot Point Campaign, Savage Tales, and a host of new creatures from these strange worlds.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

[Fabled Environments] Blueprint For Imagination: Canned Food
Author: Darre G. Miller
Artist: Krista White
Pages: 10
Price: €1,62 PDF, €2,83 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Something doesn't seem quite right about Pinnacle Airlines Flight 121. Passengers aboard the "red eye" flight from Los Angeles to New York have complained of fatigue, headaches and dizziness following their flight. Officials have concluded that these symptoms are simply the result of jet lag and stress experienced by over worked business travelers. The strangest occurrence on the aircraft has to be the recent death of one passenger who decided to jump out of the aircraft without a parachute while at cruising altitude. However, the aircraft and crew have been cleared to resume normal operations.

What is really going on aboard Flight 121?

Canned Food is a modern horror adventure and the first short adventure in the Blueprint For Imagination line. Canned Food uses the Passenger Jets floorplan from Fabled Environments. Blueprint For Imagination adventures are short modules designed to be played on their own in just a few hours with your local gaming group, at a game store or at a gaming convention. We hope you enjoy this great adventure!

Yuletide comes!

We've gained a fair few followers this year, so we have dusted off some of our favorite Hellfrost carols and poems. We begin on a dark note with a song survivors of Lair of the Vermin Lord can sing along with.

Ode to Dunross
To the tune of "O Little Town of Bethlehem"

O little village of Dunross
How still we see thee lie
Above thy burnt and corpse-filled streets
The silent stars go by
A black tide doomed your people
The rats they brought you death
But for your souls we daily pray
To Scaetha and to Veth

The vermin were defeated
The righteous fight was won
Your village it may be no more
But its memory shall live on
Freelanders mourn together
Though you we barely knew
And the with blessing of Eostre
Dunross will rise anew

In the next Yuletide Hellfrost offering, we present a prayer to Sigel.

Delling Day
To the tune of "Silent Night"

Delling Day, holy day
Through the night, vigilant we stay
Lit torches form holy symbol
Song and praise from mortals they flow
Rise O Sigel we pray
Rise O Sigel we pray

Delling Day, holy day
Come the dawn’s first pale ray
Fire arrows are lit by Kenaz
To the heavens they fly like stars
Renew the light of Sigel
Renew the light of Sigel

Delling Day, holy day
See the stars start to fade
Radiant beams cast from Sigel’s Hearth
With a new dawn to dispel the dark
Sigel, he is reborn
Sigel, he is reborn

Triple Ace Games Creative Director

[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Palace of the Lich Queen (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Richard Balsley, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Darren Pearce, G'Andy
Artists: Gayle Reick, Chris Bivins, Nicholas Cloister, Jessica Cox, Dennis Darmody, Jason Engle, Bien Flores, Jim Pavelec, Alida Saxon, Carly Sorge
Pages: 170
Price: €16,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Lich Queen awaits in her palace. Your heroes survived the Tomb of the Lich Queen, pushed through the Machine of the Lich Queen, and now must face the apocalyptic climax of the Dungeonlands Trilogy. Reality itself twists and roils all around. Prove yourselve to the universe, take the final steps.

Become a god... or a corpse!

Inside you'll find all you need to run this unique setting, all the background information and encounters that will challenge any party of Demigod characters, plus the stats for all manner of new NPCs and critters.

[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Terrors of the Secret War
Authors: Dave Blewer, Lynne Hardy, Jesse Hawkins, Joshua O'Connor, Reuben Saunders
Artists: Dim Martin, Ian Schofield, Giorgio Baroni, Michal E Cross
Pages: 126
Price: €12,10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games.

Discover the mightiest terrors of the Mythos: the Great Old Ones, the Outer Gods, and their foul servitors and cultists; the spells and artefacts that can be brought to bear against them in mankind’s struggle for survival; and the strange and unusual weapons that might just be the saviours of us all – or prove to be our downfall.

Terrors of the Secret War extends the horror on to the battlefield, and includes:
  • A new and simplified mass combat system for taking on the Mythos’ biggest threats
  • Descriptions of more than 25 gods and their lackeys, their tactics, and their weaknesses – including Great Cthulhu himself
  • Hints and tips on how to include Terrors in your own campaign, and how to square up to them
  • New artefacts, spells, and weapons – such as the Allies’ so-called “lightning guns” – to help take the fight to the enemy
  • In fact, a whole dossier’s worth of useful information to help you expand your campaign out into the wider world (and murkiest depths) of the Secret War.
Requires the Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition or Savage Worlds Rulebooks to play. This is a supplement for use with the Achtung! Cthulhu: Investigator's and Keeper's Guides.

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Leviathan
Author: John Geoff
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: €8,00 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), Preorders at Pinnacle

Hunt the Most Dangerous Game in the Known Worlds!

The jungle planet Leviathan teems with mammoth lacerauns, savage beasts of enormous size and cunning, potential trophies unmatched in any other star system. Intentionally undeveloped beyond a few tourist-oriented settlements, Leviathan nonetheless draws more than just adventure-seeking hunters, including researchers and those who would see the world left completely untouched. Both are more than willing to turn the tables on any would-be hunters.

Leviathan is a setting book for The Last Parsec. It contains new locations and characters for the planetary system, new Setting Rules for Leviathan’s natural dangers, a Plot Point Campaign, Savage Tales, and a host of new creatures–especially the lacerauns.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Scientorium
Author: Tim Brown
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: $9,99 (Pinnacle Store), Preorders at Pinnacle

Lost technological treasures and knowledge beyond understanding…

Hidden away by sheer distance and forever shrouded from the minds of the curious lies a mammoth artifact from the previous galactic age, the library of Scientorium. Its strange experience chambers offer passage to a million histories on a million worlds, secrets and technologies undreamed of. Now abandoned by all but its automated security systems and enigmatic caretakers, its workings are oddly twisted and jealous, meting out reward and punishment in equal measure.

Scientorium is a setting book for The Last Parsec. It contains new locations and characters for the epic journey to find Scientorium, new Setting Rules for the library’s many wonders, a Plot Point Campaign, Savage Tales, and detailed insight into the world of the reclusive Librarians.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

[Evil Beagle Games] Godstrike Tempest: Shaintar/Suzerain Crossover
Authors: Miles M Kantir, Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivens, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Pages: 15
Price: €4,01 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Storm Like No Other. Tread Softly. Fight Hard.

Og’M Drakar is the Eye of the Dragon, a lake in the Northern Gathers. In the middle of the lake lies an island, an island where few venture. In the middle of the island lies Castle WinterHawk, built by a pre-Kal empire but long abandoned.
This is where a portal to a hungry god has opened. This is where the Godstrike Tempest will strike, and it strikes today.

Godstrike Tempest is high level Savage Worlds adventure for Shaintar characters of at least Heroic Rank, and/or Suzerain characters.

It's a grand crossover event showing the exceptional potential of the Suzerain Continuum.

It's an epic showdown pitting larger-than-life heroes against demon lords and chaotic godlings for the fate of an entire reality.

This product also contains the Storm Druid Edge, for those looking a bit of flash and bang for their druid characters.

[DriveThruRPG/RPGNow] Shane Lacy Hensley Spotlight Sale

Save 30% on select titles in the Shane Hensley Spotlight Sale!

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