Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You scored as Storyteller.

You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Method Actor
50%Casual Gamer
33%Power Gamer

Aha, schön das ich das auch mal erfahre... ;)

AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

Zornhau schrieb:
Du hast MEIN Wunschergebnis gestohlen! Na warte, ich trete Dir gleich in den ... und erzähle jedem davon. :D

Oooops, ich sehe gerade das mir die Prozente irgendwie ein wenig verrutscht sind.
Richtig wäre also
-67%Method Actor

Hm, anders hat's mir besser gefallen... :D

AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.
75%Method Actor
42%Power Gamer
17%Casual Gamer
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

Tactician 83%


Method Actor 58%

Specialist 42%

Power Gamer


Casual Gamer

*g* Ich hatte gehofft der Spielleiter wäre weiter oben...
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You scored as Method Actor.
You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

Method Actor 92%
Storyteller 75%
Butt-Kicker 50%
Specialist 42%
Tactician 33%
Power Gamer 25%
Casual Gamer 17%
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

blut_und_glas schrieb:
Kann es sein, das bei "Gleichstand" immer der Method Actor gewinnt? ?(

Bei mir kam wegen Gleichstandes noch eine Frage, aus der ich eine Priorität wählen sollte. Danach wurde dann bestimmt, was ich bin.
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

Bei mir kam das hier heraus. :D
You scored as Method Actor.

You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

Method Actor 92%
Tactician 75%
Casual Gamer 58%
Storyteller 58%
Specialist 25%
Butt-Kicker 17%
Power Gamer 8%

Mich wundert nur das hohe Abschneiden des Casual Gamer....
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

O.K., das erklärt meine präsenz in relativ vielen ForenRPGs, wo ich fast nur "Underdogs" darstelle.

You scored as Storyteller.

You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Storyteller 92%
Butt-Kicker 58%
Specialist 58%
Method Actor 58%
Tactician 42%
Power Gamer 33%
Casual Gamer 17%
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You scored as Storyteller.

You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Storyteller 83%
Method Actor 83%
Specialist 58%
Butt-Kicker 50%
Tactician 50%
Power Gamer 42%
Casual Gamer 25%

öhm... oke? schaut gut aus *g*
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You scored as Method Actor.

You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

Method Actor 92%
Storyteller 67%
Tactician 58%
Specialist 42%
Casual Gamer 42%
Power Gamer 25%
Butt-Kicker 17%

Ich hätte auf mehr Storyteller getippt . . .

Was die Sessions ohne Würfel angeht, stimmt die Einschätzung aber tatsächlich. Meine allererste Gruppe brauchte eigentlich überhaupt keine Würfel. Ich glaube, es hatten nicht mal alle Mitspieler welche.
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.
Method Actor 92%
Butt-Kicke 75%
Storyteller 67%
Tactician 58%
Specialist 50%
Power Gamer 25%
Casual Gamer 8%

soviel von mir ^^
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

Method Actor

100% Butt-Kicker

92% Specialist

92% Tactician

83% Power Gamer

75% Storyteller

75% Casual Gamer


AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You scored as Storyteller.

You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Storyteller 92%

Butt-Kicker 75%

Tactician 67%

Method Actor 58%

Specialist 25%

Power Gamer 17%

Casual Gamer 0%

Das hat man davon wenn man nahezu der einzige ist, der die Quellenbücher wälzt ;)
AW: Laws Spielertypen - Fragebogen

You scored as Method Actor.
You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

Method Actor





Power Gamer

Casual Gamer

Wow, so in etwa hätte ich mich auch eingeordnet, perfekt für Vampire ;)
Oben Unten