The Red Star Samsonov Vampire

23. Februar 2003
Erst einmal aus dem alten Thread übernommen, der Standard-Vampire und die Marine Patrol-Variante:

     Name         Crew  Pass  Cargo   Init  Maneuver  Top Speed  Defense   Damage     Hit    Size  Weight   Harpoints  Purchase  Restriction    Weapons      Extras
                                                                          Reduction  Points                               DC
Samsonov Vampire   5     14   250 kg   -4      -4      380 (38)     6        20        50     G    20 tons    9 (0)       49       Mil (+3)   by variant  Crypsis system

     Name                              Weapons
Samsonov Vampire       Sharapov SVH-75 Rotary Autocannon (2); Katyushas, 400mm (1); BHX Rykov hook missile (4); Shadow medium anti-aircraft missile (2)
Marine Patrol Variant  Sharapov SVH-75 Rotary Autocannon; Cheprakov CK-68S Shipkiller Missile (4); Shumkov SNK-87 Heavy Torpedo (4)

Die übrigen Varianten möchte ich demnächst noch einmal überarbeiten, und die Varianten aus der Special Edition hinzufügen.

AW: Samsonov Vampire

Hier die übrigen Varianten:

     Name                              Weapons
Krawl Hunter Variant           Gromov GRKH-MS Automatic Cannon; Sharapov SVH-75 Rotary Autocannon (2); Tikhonov TH-93 "Krawl Smasher" Missile (4)
Reconnaisance Variant          Sokolov SI-34 "Arrow" air-to-air missile (2)
Night Stalker Variant          Sharapov SVH-75 Rotary Autocannon (2); Tikhonov TH-52 "Hammer" Ground Attack Missile
Deployment Gate Denial Variant Sokolov SI-34 "Arrow" air-to-air missile (2)

AW: Samsonov Vampire

Und die dazugehörigen Fahrzeugwaffen:

          Weapon                     Damage  Critical  Damage      Range Increment   Rate of   Magazine   Hardpoints  Purchase  Restriction
                                                        Type       (Area of Effect)   Fire                               DC
CK-68s Shipkiller Missile            3d6x10    19-20  Concussion   400m (10m radius)   1          1            1         25      Mil (+3)
GRKH-MS Automatic Cannon             1d4x10    20     Ballistic     60m                S, A      50 box        1         24      Mil (+3) 
SI-34 "Arrow" air-to-air missile     5d6       19-20  Concussion   600m (6m radius)    S          2            1         25      Mil (+3)
SNK-87 Heavy Torpedo                 2d8x10    19-20  Concussion  1500m (10m radius)   1          1            2         26      Mil (+3)
SVH-75 Rotary Autocannon             2d12      20     Ballistic     50m                A       2000 int.       1         21      Mil (+3) 
TH-52 "Hammer" Ground Attack Missile 1d4x10    19-20  Concussion   400m (20m radius)   1          1            1         21      Mil (+3)
TH-93 "Krawl Smasher" Missile        2d8x10    19-20  Concussion   300m (1m radius)    1          1            1         24      Mil (+3)

Cheprakov CK-68S Shipkiller Missile
Designed to attack surface targets, the Shipkiller carries an exceptionally potent high explosive warhead.

Gromov GRKH-MS Automatic Cannon
The GRKH-MS is used for direct fire attacks against krawls and other armored vehicles.

Sharapov SVH-75 Rotary Autocannon
The Sharapov SVH-75 Autocannon fires 15mm ammunition, bridging the gap between heavy machine guns and light autocannons.

Shumkov SNK-87 Heavy Torpedo
SNK-87 Torpedos are high-explosive armor piercing weapons for use against naval targets. They can be carried as ordnance on aircraft and helicopters or are deployed from torpedo-equipped surface vessels or submarines.

Sokolov SI-34 "Arrow" air-to-air missile
The "Arrow" is a light air-to-air missile which very quickly locks onto its target. It counts as a masterwork weapon.

Tikhonov TH-52 "Hammer" Ground Attack Missile
The high explosive "Hammer" Ground Attack Missile is intended for use against massed soft and lightly armored targets.

Tikhonov TH-93 "Krawl Smasher" Missile
The TH-93 carries an armor piercing warhead with an extremly focused closely shaped blast, able to penetrate even the heaviest krawl armor.

AW: Samsonov Vampire

So, eine kleine Änderung bei den Waffen eingefügt. Ein einzelner Hardpoint kann nun zwei Arrow-Raketen aufnehmen.

AW: Samsonov Vampire

Und noch ein Satz spezielle Fahrzeugausrüstung für die Varianten:

Camera Pod
Camera pods are loaded with high powered imaging and recording equipment. They are self contained and heavily armored, so they can be recovered even after loss of the carrying craft. Mounting a camera pod reduces the number of available hardpoints by two.

Central Protokasting Research Institute Gate Protocol Interference Suite (MK. 7)
An active Gate Protocol Interference Suite forces all kasters trying to kast any type of gate protcol to make a Concentration check against a DC of 30 or fail at the kast. This effects a 1000 m radius centred on the suite. A Gate Protocol Interference Suite reduces the number of available hardpoints by four.

Fuel Pod
Fuel pods increase the range of vehicles. A single large fuel pod takes up two hardpoints.

Voronov Photonics Institute "Night Eye" Night Vision Suite
The Night Eye mounted on the Nightstalker Variant of the Samsonov Vampire provide darkvision out to 100 m and a +4 equipment bonus on Search and Spot checks made by the crew. A Night Vision Suite reduces the number of available hardpoints by one.

AW: Samsonov Vampire

Ach so:

Verteilt ist die Ausrüstung übrigens folgendermaßen:

Nightstalker Variant:
Voronov Photonics Institute "Night Eye" Night Vision Suite

Reconnaisance Variant:
2 Camera Pods, 2 Fuel Pods

Deployment Gate Denial Variant:
Voronov Photonics Institute "Night Eye" Night Vision Suite, 2 Fuel Pods

Werde ich auch noch einmal in die Tabellen einpflegen.

Bildmaterial - leider nicht zu allen Varianten - gibt es online beim Verlag (der Comics, nicht des Campaign Settings), oder - da auch komplett - natürlich in der 2006 Special Edition Ausgabe des Comics.

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