Ribbon Drive



Klingt interessant (auch wenn ich keine einzige der Bands kenne):

In Ribbon Drive, we collectively create a story about letting go on the open road, and we all work to both further and complicate this agenda during the game. It draws inspirations from road movies like Wristcutters, Everything Is Illuminated, y tu Mama Tambien, Little Miss Sunshine, The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things and Thelma & Louise. Our ultimate goal is to create a thought-provoking, meaningful experience. We let the music guide us. We let the road throw us curves. As our characters, we rethink our attachment to the future.

The game is hugely influenced by mix tapes that players bring to sessions of play. As such, Ribbon Drive is sold with a compilation CD featuring lots of cool artists and demonstrating the kind of themed mixes that the game works well with. It includes music from xox, Ghost Mice, Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, You Say Party! We Say Die!, The Butcher’s Bag, Tuck, June Madrona, Maria in the Shower, Van Gogh’s Severed Ear and Chris Clavin. The book itself is 30 pages, beautifully laid out in full colour by Kevin Allen Jr, and it’s packaged with the CD in a DVD-sized case.

“So… Ribbon Drive. The most emotionally touching con gaming experience I’ve ever had.” Christian Griffen, author of Beast Hunters

"This game of external and internal exploration easily grabs this year's indie production value prize." -Robin D. Laws

24 page booklet + audio CD
AW: Ribbon Drive

Sicher spannend, aber nichts für mich. :)
AW: Ribbon Drive

Great men, Hasran, hm? :D :p


PS: Nein, das muss keiner verstehen. War mir aber trotzdem wichtig es zu schreiben. ;)
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