Priester der Asche - Priester des Sabbat?

AW: Priester der Asche - Priester des Sabbat?

Ich wollte nur noch mal für alle an diesem Thema Interessierten einwerfen, dass ich zum Thema Wege und Pfade von Mittelalter und Neuzeit noch zwei interessante Anmerkungen gefunden habe:

Storyteller's Handbook:

The Convention sees the Camarilla establish a stringent policy toward Masquerade-Enforcement - to not only hide form humanity but tu make humanity forget they ever existed. It also sees the adoption of the word "Kindred" to describe vampires and their decision to move away from and indeed possibly stamp out the older roads of morality practiced to date.

CB Lasombra:

In the late Middle Ages, the weaklings in the newly created Camarilla went on a crusade against the Roads. ... They chose to purge Cainites who refused to pretend to be kine. ... Yes, the Camarilla in its collective wisdom decided that the real problem was with those Cainites who chose not to exist in ways conductive to hiding among humanity. Many of the Roads disappeared altogether, and the rest vanished from general view. Afterward, their practitioners kept their secret hidden.
All of this created an intellectual void among Cainties. Under the aegis of the Sabbat, a great intellectual fervor roiled throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. Nearly a dozen new ethical systems came into existence and received the ruthless acid test of practice in the hands and minds of Cainites very keen to shed more humanity without losing themselves to the Beast.

Vielleicht erspart sich damit ein anderer die wochenlange und akribische Lektüre längst nicht mehr gedruckter Bücher ;).

Beste Grüße!
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