[Low Life] Dementalism - The Card Game


Gelehrter des Hoenir & Schreiber des Qedeshet
27. August 2008
And now something remotely different...

[Low Life] Dementalism - The Card Game
Author: Andy Hopp
Artists: Andy Hopp
Pledges: $641/4000 (Kickstarter)

Alright, smarty buns, here's your chance to show everyone how smart your brain is. Due to the continuing idiocy of you and your fellow guards, a whole bunch of clones have escaped from the Primordial Soup Kitchen and are now wandering the various countrysides of Mutha Oith. You guys better get your wazoos in gear and recapture them before your bosses find out and you lose your jobs or get fed to something horrible.

It’ll take all of your brains, half your luck, two thirds of your charm, a bunch of guts, and a pinch of divine inspiration to survive this fast-paced and exciting original card game by award winning illustrator and game designer Andy Hopp and Mutha Oith Creations.


After extensive playtesting, assorted tweaks and modifications, and a print on demand test version, Dementalism is finished and ready to go! Based on the obscenely popular (or maybe just popularly obscene) Low Life RPG, this is the game that fans and stalkers have been dreaming of for years. All we lack are the funds to print it. That, my extremely attractive and heroically virile friends, is where you come in. Take a gander at those awesome rewards over there. Heck, take a goose and a duckling too. All those amazingly amazing amazingnesses can be yours, along with the satisfaction of knowing you brought happiness and joy to a young boy's heart, for the low, low sum of whatever you choose to back. Here's a picture to keep you interested:


"But wait!" you might be saying, "Some of that art looks familiar". You are correct, astute observer, much (but not all) of the art in Dementalism comes from The Whole Hole - A Gadabout's Guide to Mutha Oith, Volume 01: Keister Island (victim of a successful Kickstarter campaign a couple of months ago; thanks again, friends). See, my goal is to bring as much Low Lifey goodness to the peeps as possible. That means anytime a new Low Life book comes out there'll be a companion expansion to Dementalism that comes out along with it. The book will help flesh out some of the characters in the card game and the card game will plop names and quirks onto the peeps in the book. It's a wonderful union of card game technology and good old-fashioned RPG whatnot.

Another nifty side effect of all that business is this: Imagine you're the Boss playing the Low Life RPG and you want to show your heap (the players) what a character or monster looks like. Now, instead of flipping madly through the book, you can just whip out a Dementalism card with that dude's picture right on it. How snazzy is that? Very snazzy is the answer.
Leider wieder ein Kickstarter statt eines sauber finanzierten Produktes. - Also wenn/FALLS das Spiel in die Läden kommen sollte, würde ich als Low-Life-Fan mir das schon besorgen, falls der Preis stimmt (siehe unten - er stimmt im Kickstarter auf keinen Fall!).

Aber das, was man da beim Kickstarter abdrücken muß, um das EIGENTLICHE SPIEL zu bekommen, und nicht nur irgendwelchen Nicht-Kartenspiel-Kleinkram bei den niedrigen Spendenschwellen, ist schon recht HAPPIG: 35 Dollar für eine Handvoll Karten!

Da hätte man auch gleich die Stufen 10, 15 und 25 Dollar weglassen können, wenn die Spender für dieses Geld nicht einmal das Spiel erhalten, das hier eigentlich finanziert werden soll!
Bei den Sachen von Andy Hopp gehe ich davon aus, dass sie ohne Kickstarter nicht finanziert würden. Low-Life war wohl trotz seiner unbestreitbaren Qualität kein so großer Erfolg, dass Pinnacle in die Serie voll einsteigen würde. Das Kartenspiel war schon einmal geplant, aber der Verlag hat sich wohl entschieden, es dann doch nicht zu veröffentlichen.
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