Social Justice Warrior First Class
- Registriert
- 27. November 2009
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- 7.447
Da hab ich zugegebenermaßen auch nur einen sehr diffusen Eindruck. Irgendwas mit Tochter aus gutem Haus, Missbrauch und Diebstahl als Kompensationsverhalten.Arleccino schrieb:Was für ne Origin-Story hat Catwoman denn?
Ich weiß aber nicht mehr, wo ich das genau her hab. Vielleicht hab ich mir das auch nur ausgedacht. *Schulterzuck*
Aber beim Riddler gibt es doch diese eine tolle Origin-Story, in der erzählt wird, wie der junge, hyperintelligente Edward Nygma in seiner ganzen Umgebung (also Schule und vor allem beim Vater) ständig gegen frustrierende Grenzen anlaufen muss, weil keiner dem Arbeiterkind so viel Verstand zutraut und alle davon ausgehen, er würde bei seinen Tests ständig bescheißen, woraufhin ihn der Vater dann IIRC wegen seiner angeblichen Betrügereien mal krankenhausreif schlägt.
Hier, das mein ich glaub ich zu Catwoman:
"Catwoman(vol. 2) #69, which provides details about Selina's childhood, neglects Maggie's existence. Maria Kyle is a distant parent who preferred to spend her time with cats, and commitssuicidewhen Selina is very young. Heralcoholicfather, Brian, is cold to Selina for resembling her mother (whom he resents for dying), and eventually drinks himself to death. To survive, Selina takes to the streets for a time before getting caught and sent first to anorphanage, thenjuvenile hall,[16]"where Selina began to see how hard the world could really be."[17]Maggie's fate at this point in the time-line is not alluded to. However, whenEd Brubakerreintroduces her into the comic, he implies that Maggie may have directly entered an orphanage and promptly beenadopted.
When she is 13, Selina discovers that the hall's administrator has beenembezzlingfunds, and she confronts her. In an attempt to cover up her crime, the administrator puts Selina in a bag and drops her in a river to drown (like a cat). She escapes and returns to the orphanage, where she steals documents exposing the administrator's corruption. She uses these to blackmail the administrator into erasing "Selina Kyle" from the city's records, then steals the administrator's diamond necklace and escapes the orphanage.[16]Selina eventually finds herself in "Alleytown - a network of cobblestone streets that form a small borough between the East End and OldGotham."[18]Selina is taken in by Mama Fortuna, the elderly leader of a gang of young thieves, and is taught how to steal. Fortuna treats her students likeslaves, keeping their earnings for herself. Selina eventually runs away, accompanied by her friend Sylvia. However, the two have difficulty surviving on their own, and in desperation try to support themselves by working as prostitutes. The two drift apart afterward, with Sylvia coming to resent Selina for not inquiring about what had happened to her at the hands of her abusive first client."Quelle: